Monday, July 28, 2014

Golden Gate Bound

Just another post to say that my other blog at is up and running. The screenshot is of the biggest update recently (and so far!). So if you want to hear a bit about SEMINARY then hit the jump :)

I don't know that I'll update this much more-this was big enough news that I wanted it to be here on the old blog too though. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Beginnings and Endings

I don't know if this will show up in anyone's RSS feed or if there are any of you that still check blogger for updates. I know that I haven't been here very much over the past nine months or so. But maybe someone somewhere will. So this is for you.

This will (as far as I can tell) be my last update here. I've started a new blog at a different website and the first post is a little bit about the 'why' of it all.

So here's the link for anyone who might stumble upon this. Thanks for reading :)