“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
-Philippians 4:19
-Philippians 4:19
(no, jeff didn't get a laptop for our secret santa...)
Dear Family and Friends,
Just like last year, my Bible study ended the year with a Secret Santa gift exchange. I received a book titled 3,650 Jokes, Puns and Riddles and couldn’t help but smile: these young men have definitely gotten to know me well. As well they should! This month marks two and a half years that I’ve had the privilege to be with some of them! As I reflected on this fact, I was struck by what a blessing it has been to spend these past years with them and how precious this next semester with them will be. I’m already excitedly planning what our Bible study will cover next semester and praying that they “may stand mature and fully assured in all the will of God” (Colossians 4:12) as a result of our time together.
However, before I can return to campus I must turn my attention to raising the funds that are necessary for me to meet my annual budget. This year-end I am seeking to raise another $8000 to place me in a healthy position going forward into the new year.
Some of you reading this note are already graciously and generously partnering with me financially on a monthly or periodic basis, and for that I am deeply grateful. I would be unable to serve with The Navigators in this ministry without your help! Thank you so much for your involvement with me at Cal State Long Beach! What a blessing it is to me and to the students that are being impacted by our ministry here!
But whether they already regularly support a ministry or not, some people like to give special gifts during the holiday season. Of the entire year, December is typically the month where non-profits see the most giving overall.
I have set a personal goal of raising these funds by January 15th. If you are in a position to help me reach this $8000 goal, know that your extra or one-time gift will be especially helpful to me in getting me to my full budget! You can imagine how encouraging and freeing it is when the funds are available in my ministry account to pay for projects, activities, and other efforts to reach, engage, and impact students!
Whether or not the Lord leads you to contribute financially at this time, I deeply value all of your encouragement, support, and prayers! Thank you again!!
p.s. To Give click here
This is very exciting!!!