Sunday, June 27, 2010

YHWH is... (2 of 6)


*Today's post is a continuation of a small series of posts that I'm doing based on some insights into God's character that I received this past week through the story of David and Goliath.*

2. YHWH knows who we really are

"David said to Saul, 'Let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine; your servant will go and fight him." Saul replied,'You are not able to go out against this Philistine and fight him; you are only a boy, and he has been a fighting man from his youth.'" ~1 Samuel 17: 32-33

When David goes to Saul to tell him that he will be Israel's champion and fight the giant, Saul's response reveals that he's already weighed and measured David's worth and abilities. He doesn't see any way that a boy such as David could possibly take on a giant like Goliath and beat him at his own game. Goliath has the advantage in every category.  Several chapters earlier the prophet Samuel almost missed finding David from amongst his older brothers for a similar reason-everyone else was judging David as he appeared externally. I think that it's safe to say that virtually no one in the nation of Israel would have pegged David as the guy that would defeat Goliath and go on to become king of Israel. God, however, knew that David was the man for the job. It wasn't a mistake that David ended up at the camp and saw Goliath give the challenge. God: "Whoops! How'd that kid get there??? Definitely meant to send that big burley guy I handpicked the other day instead...." No-instead He chose to use David in spite of, or rather BECAUSE OF the fact that no one else believed in Him. 

So often in the Bible people chosen to do great things for God act as if He couldn't possibly be serious. The two examples that come immediately to mind are Moses and Gideon. Both of them had "Who, ME??? No, You couldn't be serious" reactions. We don't see that with David, though. Instead, he recognized the pattern in his life of God empowering and protecting him. This leads into the next point, so I'll curtail this and pick it back up tomorrow. But to apply this point to our own lives, remember that God doesn't make mistakes. God doesn't mess up when He calls someone to do something for Him and in His name. If God is behind you, then it doesn't matter who you are or what you've done. God already knows and chooses to love you and use you anyways. 

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