Just a quick update to say that I've added an amazon store onto the blog! Now you'll be able to purchase any cd or whatever that I might mention here on the blog and support my ministry simultaneously-think instant tithing. (Ok, I don't know if that's the best way to phrase it, but you get the idea-money goes to amazon but ALSO to me to support me at CSULB).
It's the tab on the far right of the bar at the top of the page, just to the right of the "Contact Me" tab. So if I were to mention the new Hillsong United or Bethel Live cds that come out tomorrow (2/15), I'll include them and also put them in the store here on the blog.
Right now I only have a "Music" category, but let me know if there's any interest in anything else!
It's the tab on the far right of the bar at the top of the page, just to the right of the "Contact Me" tab. So if I were to mention the new Hillsong United or Bethel Live cds that come out tomorrow (2/15), I'll include them and also put them in the store here on the blog.
Right now I only have a "Music" category, but let me know if there's any interest in anything else!