Wednesday, March 3, 2010


It's been a bit since my last update...and I'm fully conscious of that. It's like I've been avoiding this last post because to hit "publish" means I've completed my project and symbolizes the trip fading into my memories. But not doing this won't change the fact that the trip IS becoming more and more a part of my past and less and less of my present. So here goes!

I just wanted to repost this picture because it's one of my favorites from the trip. Definitely in the top 5 favorite photos that I took.

So quick summary of the trip from our last night in chennai to getting home: flew air singapore again from Chennai to Singapore to Tokyo to LAX. We got into LAX around 11 or so on the 23rd. On the flight I started reading The Moor's Last Sigh by Rushdie (which I still haven't finished because of all my reading for school...) but to briefly share my favorite quote so far (that I might have already shared but w/e it's good enough to share

"A sigh isn't just a sigh. We inhale the world and breathe out meaning. While we can. While we can."

I love Rushdie.

Anywho, the first thing Zack and I did when we were back in the states was have my dad take us to In-N-Out :D. It was great to have a burger!

The rest of that day and the morning on Sunday was spent catching up with the family, showing them pictures, and just trying to get everything organized because the spring semester started that next Monday, the 25th. That's right: less than 48 hours after being in India I was sitting in class again! It was quite the adjustment. Luckily I wasn't jet lagged AT ALL :). Before we left the airport in Chennai I set my watch to LA time and just chanted "it's morning, it's morning" to myself a couple times. I stayed up until it was time to go to bed here in Cali and then dozed through the night. I was still super tired when I got back, but I was tired at the right times. So that was good-I heard that some of the other people from the trip didn't adjust quite as quickly!

And here I was-back home and ready to tackle my last semester here at Long Beach. It's been six weeks already and things have been movin movin movin-I don't know if I'll go back and cover the highlights of the semester so far or just pick up from here and allude to some things along the way, but the period at the end of this sentence marks the official transition from the "India Travel Blog" to the "everyday Josh blog" and functions as a nice dividing point, so without further ado: fin.