I've found myself reading most of Paul's letters and the book of Acts through my personal devotional time, at Navs, for Sons of Thunder, and the Bible study I'm leading. What's slowly but steadily emerging is an ever-clearer vision and understanding of Paul's heart. There are simply no words that can describe the depth of the desire I have to love Christ even just half as much as Paul did.
In Acts 21 Paul's friends and followers are pleading with him not to continue on to Jerusalem because they're almost certain he'll be arrested or worse. Luke records in verse 12: "When we had heard this, we as well as the local residents began begging him not to go up to Jerusalem." Paul's response in verse 13 to their entreaties almost brings me to tears:
"Then Paul answered 'What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but even to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.'"
What a heart for Christ! As I've been gaining this insight into Paul's heart and thoughts I've really begun to identify with Paul. More than any other character in the Old or New Testament, I feel a connection with Paul. This is NOT to say that I view myself as a master evangelist or anything. Paul just resonates with me.
Who do you identify with? I have three close friends whose answers would be Jacob, Peter, and David, and I sometimes enjoy viewing them in light of that revelation. What about you-who is it that you can point to and say "That's who I feel most like or closest to"?