Friday, July 3, 2009

Sing Praises (Psalm Forty-SEVEN)

So here's an actual song: enjoy! (and leave feedback if you have any)

Note: In the video I say that the lyrics are from Psalm 48...but it's actually from Psalm 47. I wasn't about to re-record the video just because I mixed up the reference ;)


  1. lolz. your commentary is so you.
    what shirt are you wearing?
    I like this song.

  2. haha, of course MY commentary is so me. if i'd wanted someone else's commentary, i'd have had them give it ;)

    i'm sure i could figure out a way to attach a picture of my shirt here, but it's easier on facebook so i'll do it there i guess...

    and i'm glad you like it! it's a start at least

  3. I love the song, and the lead up made me laugh. Apparently you get nervous in front of the camera, lol!

    Thanks for babbling, made it enjoyable ;) And I think B is a good key for the song, sounds great!

  4. haha. rachel, you're right. the commentary is so him.
    and i love the song, josh! awesome job. can't wait to hear more!

  5. Dude, I love your song. It'll be stuck in my head all day.
