January 01, 2010
Here's where I begin my recounting of my three-week sojourn halfway around the world in India. These first three entries will be on the shorter side and be mostly comprised of details about our experience flying, seeing as how I didn't take any pictures until actually arriving in India. Also, we lost a day on our journey to India. You see, the whole trip only took about 24 hours, but on account of jumping the International Date Line we left on January 1st and arrived on January 3rd. In other words, we time-traveled into the future!
So I started the new year in the air, headed towards a foreign country for the first time ever. That's right, although I'd been fairly well-travelled within the contiguous states I hadn't ever been even as far as Mexico or Canada! So this was quite the departure (pun...well, honestly: intended lol) for me. We flew Singapore Air out of LAX with a stop in Tokyo to refuel and Singapore to switch planes before finally arriving in New Delhi. But we'll get to that :).
Going through security I went through the first of my many run-ins with customs. I made the mistake of tossing my toothpaste in my carry-on instead of the bag I checked...silly me! So i had a nice gentleman unpack my bag and explain to me with a slightly empty look in his eye (as if he'd done this way too many times) that toothpaste just isn't safe to allow on the plane. That's actually about all the explaining he did: no elaborate scenarios about how I could combine the fluoride and other chemicals in my Crest oral-hygiene-paste with something to create an explosive or weapon of some sort...probably so I wouldn't get any ideas haha. Anywho, after the slight delay we were free to wander around in the airport until our flight left.
We boarded the plane and took off without incident: we were on our way.
Next time: a list of things I occupied myself with during the flight! Thoughts about Singapore Air! The harrowing account of our mysterious crash and what happened during the years between our disappearance and my return as part of the Singapore Six! Oh wait...maybe not that last one (go watch Lost if you don't get it!) :D
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