Monday, February 22, 2010

Chennai: Day 3

January 22, 2010

Our last day in Chennai and ultimately India was a free day where we could do pretty much whatever we wanted. But before that, I saved some pictures from the previous entry!

There were four more locations that we visited that I took a picture of on the 21st:

This was a Christian school that we just walked around in. There were kids swarming around EVERYWHERE on their recess or something...kinda intense.

We also visited an Armenian church.

This was just a random church we passed on our way to...

The law college, which...

...had some pretty cool architecture!

For our free day a group of us went shopping for souvenirs for people from home, went to the beach, found a street bazaar to do some more shopping in, and then went back to the hotel.

They didn't want kids playing cricket at the beach I guess.

Some pretty neat fishing boats we walked by at the beach.

I just had to take a pic of this ad-look at how sweet superman looks in that uniform! lol

And with our free day in Chennai, our time in India came to a close. Tomorrow: a wrap-up blog post that will aim to 1) sum up a bit about India 2) complete the story and bridge the gap between January 23rd and February 23rd and 3) transition into a blog that I use to recap a bit about what's going on in the present!